We are always interested in exciting topics for publication. To submit your work for consideration at Delmar Publishing, please follow these guidelines:
Please submit all project ideas electronically via email to drmlr@yahoo.com.
Author Information
Please provide:
Your bio or curriculum vitae detailing your professional credentials, current occupation, prior publications, public speaking engagements, and media appearances.
Marketing Data
Book summary and purpose
Unique aspects of your content
Target audience demographics
Marketing strategies
Competing titles and relevant sales data
Manuscript Sample
Detailed book outline (no spiral-bound manuscripts)
Table of contents
Sample chapters
Please format all materials with double-spaced text and at least 12-point type. Ensure one-inch margins on all sides.
Send electronic submissions to drmlr@yahoo.com
Attention: Editorial Committee
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Due to high submission volumes, response times may be up to two months.
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